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- Category: #2 (07) 2017
- Published: 17 April 2018
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Bezditko P. A.1, Karliychuk M. A.2
1Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Summary. According to the various authors, the damage of optic nerve is found in 7–30.7 % of patients with diabetes mellitus and is one of the causes of disability due to reduced or complete loss of vision. Diabetic optic neuropathy is a local manifestation of the systemic diabetic polyneuropathy, which affects the second pair of cranial nerves – optic nerve.
The aim was to define the peculiarities of the optic nerve damage in patients with diabetes mellitus depending on the duration, degree of compensation of diabetes mellitus, the form of diabetic retinopathy and the severity of diabetic polyneuropathy.
Material and methods of research. 575 patients with type II diabetes were examined. In addition to standard ophthalmologic methods included ophthalmochromoscopy, optical coherent tomography of the retina and optic nerve, electrophysiological examination.
Results. Analyzing the results of examination, scientific data on the risk factors of diabetic optical neuropathy has been defined and it has been proved that in patients with diabetes mellitus there is a direct correlation between the level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) in blood, the duration of the disease, the frequency and form of the diabetic retinopathy, severity of diabetic polyneuropathy and type and stage of diabetic optical neuropathy: r = 0.62, r = 0.74, r = 0.72, r = 0.81, respectively. The highest degree of correlation is observed between the severity of diabetic polyneuropathy and the type and stage of diabetic optical neuropathy (r = 0.81), which confirms the role of diabetic polyneuropathy in the pathogenesis of optic nerve damage in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Conclusions. Peculiarities of the optic nerve damage in patients with diabetes mellitus depend on the duration, degree of compensation of diabetes mellitus, the form of diabetic retinopathy and the severity of diabetic polyneuropathy. The highest degree of correlation is observed between the severity of diabetic polyneuropathy and the type and stage of diabetic optical neuropathy.
Keywords: diabetic optical neuropathy, duration of diabetes mellitus, degree of compensation of diabetes mellitus, form of diabetic retinopathy, severity of diabetic polyneuropathy.
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Received: 17 Apr. 2017
Published: December 2017