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- Category: Instructions for Authors
- Published: Friday, 27 November 2015 12:38
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 781
Information for authors
Author's articles edited by the Ukrainian journal Ophthalmology accepted the conditions: a one-time publication in one issue; free assignment of copyright to the material in the order of a non-exclusive license; posting articles to the discretion of the editorial board of the magazine and online in digital libraries.
The author is completely responsible for material submitted to the editorial board. Articles for publication in electronic and printed versions must be accompanied by a letter of application signed by their author or authors.
Authorship is based on the following principles:
1) significant contribution to the concept of the study, results, analysis and interpretation of data;
2) transformation of the first version of the article must be aimed at improving of the their quality;
3) final approval of the version to be printed.
When co-authors are one of them, who responsible for contacts with the editors should indicate his name, family name, phone number and e-mail.
To prevent ambiguity, authors should clearly indicate there is participation to avoid the conflict of interest. A conflict of interest arises when an author (or the organization that represents the author) has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence their actions should be indicated in the manuscript as a message on the page following a title.
In case of sending the editors of articles previously published or submitted for publication in other publications, authors should expect an immediate refusal to print the manuscript submitted.
Allowed consideration of articles that were presented at the conference, but were not published in full, or are being considered for publication in the printed proceedings of scientific societies and other publications of a similar format. Short press releases periodic conferences do not violate this rule, except in cases where such descriptions contain additional data or copies of tables and figures.
Applicants to the editor for publication are subject to mandatory review. Materials are sending to reviewers without names of authors and after that the name of reviewers. After receiving the reviews and responses from the author the editorial board's make decision to accept materials for publications or to refuse. The editors reserve the right to reject an article without giving reasons, and the manuscripts are not returned to the authors. minimal stylistic corrections with formal character shall be made in the text without prior agreement. The date of receiving the article for publication will be the day after reviewing.
Editors of the journal allows readers to send comments and questions on published articles which will be published in one of the issues and will present on the journal's website. Author comments must be pointed that it has no conflict of interest with the authors.
Articles are accepted in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.
The material for publication must be made in A4 format up to 10 pages - for original research, up to 15 pages - for inspections, and up to 7 pages - for clinical cases.
The title page should contain the following information:
- Title of the article; Name of the authors, their position and place of work; the name of the institution (s) on the basis of which the work was performed; full name, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address of the author responsible for the manuscript, summary, keywords;
- Ukrainian, Russian and English languages should be accompanied by the authors name, indicating places of work, the article title, abstract, keywords.
The article must be based on traditional for the world scientific periodicals structure: introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions which completes the specific findings and proposals of authors arising out of the material. One must specify the methods used, the equipment (with specification of the name and address of the manufacturer) and procedures in as much detail as necessary, so that other researchers can replicate the results. Authors should refer to the standard techniques, including the methods of statistical analysis. For the methods that have been published previously, but not well known, it is necessary to bring the relevant references and brief descriptions. New or significantly modified methods should be described, explained the reasons for using them and assess their limitations. All used drugs and chemicals, dosage and administration route should be clearly indicated.
The authors of review articles should contain a section that describes the methods that were used in the search, selection, isolation and synthesis of data. These methods should also be summarized in a resume.
The electronic version of the article is to be created using Microsoft Word text editor with any version of the following requirements:
- Orientation - book;
- Font - Times New Roman;
- Font - 12 pt (points);
- Line spacing - one and a half;
- Hyphenation - transfers does not exist;
- Formatting - parameter "in width";
- Font Color - Black;
- Retreat (new row) - 1.5 cm.
The tables must be observed double spacing and place them on a separate sheet of paper. Tables are numbered sequentially according to the first mention of them in the text. It is also necessary to specify the short name of each table. Do not use horizontal or vertical lines inside the table. All nonstandard abbreviations should be in footnotes, using a sequence of characters: *, **. It must be ensured that each table is cited in the text.
Figures should be professionally drawn, photographed or submitted in the form of digitized images. Print pictures with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) and formats, providing high-quality images (eg, JPEG or PNG) must submit a separate file. Printing unit of inner black and white, so you need to do contrasting figures. Images should be as clearly as possible. Titles and detailed explanation of the content should be given in the captions under the pictures, not on the illustrations themselves.
Radiographs, tomograms and other diagnostic images in the article, as well as images of preparations and pathological micropreparations should use contrasting glossy black-and-white or color prints in size, usually 127 × 173 mm. Thus, letters, numbers, and symbols on figures should be clear and consistent with what they stand for. They should also be large enough to remain legible after reduction pattern for publication. The photomicrographs should include marking inner scale. Symbols, arrows or letters used in the photomicrographs should contrast with the background. Pictures of people, who can be identified, must be accompanied by written permission for their use. Photos should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. If the figure previously published must obtain written consent from the owner of the copyright to its reproduction and also to thank the original source. If you find documents in the public domain such consent is not required. Captions under the illustrations printed in compliance with double spacing on a separate page in the sequential numbering with Arabic numerals corresponding illustrations. As for the identification of parts of the illustrations used symbols, arrows, numbers or letters in the signature must specify and explain each of these characters. Units of measurement (length, height, weight and volume) must be indicated in the appropriate metric units (meter, kilogram, liter) or their decimal multiples. The temperature should be indicated in degrees Celsius, blood pressure - in millimeters of mercury. Use only conventional abbreviations. Avoid using abbreviations in the title. When you first use the abbreviation, it should be indicated in parentheses after the decoding with the exception of standard abbreviations for units of measurement.
Mathematical and chemical formulas should be written very clearly, with reference to the fields of letters of the alphabet (uppercase, lowercase, Greek, Latin), exponents, superscript or subscript.
References should be numbered sequentially according to their order in the text. References in the text, tables and captions should be marked by Arabic numerals in parentheses. Links submitted only in tables or captions under the pictures should be numbered in sequence corresponding to the first mention in the text of the particular table or figure. Volume resume in Russian and Ukrainian languages should be 120-150 words. Summary in English should not be a translation of the summary presented at the Ukrainian / Russian. It must be larger in size and structured as in the article, for example, subject, topic, purpose, method, or methodology, the results, the scope of the results, conclusions. The sequence of presentation content of the article can be changed, starting with the presentation of the results and conclusions. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the summary. Volume - 220-250 words.
In the reference you need to use a small number of links to the most important original work. To this list of all the articles should not exceed 50 sources. References served in the alphabetical order in which first create a list of local sources, also possible to structure the literature in the order of citation, using the international standard to form the corresponding lists.
Materials are available to the editors in electronic form on disk or by e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The author, if possible, can specify which type or format of the publication adopted in this journal, the relevant articles. Official and complete version of "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts", developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE), submitted to biomedical journals on the website www. ICMJE.org.
* Technical formatting unfinished articles on the uniform requirements of the publishing house carried out on a fee basis.