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- Category: Ukrainian journal "Ophthalmology" 1 (11) 2020
- Published: 05 December 2020
- Hits: 1000
Dong Fang Hui1, Bezkorovayna I. M.1, Pavlovska H. Ya.2
1Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine
2Danulo Halytsky National Medical University in Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
Diagnostic Possibilities of Interferometry in Detection and Monitoring of Dry Eye Disease Development
Abstract. The work is dedicated to the features of the eye surface examination, and clinical and functional disruptions in the tear film in 112 (224 eyes) young people aged 18 to 30 years. Based on the analysis of the common objective methods results, such as determination of the Ocular Surface Disease Index, conducting the Shirmer II test, the LIPCOF test, the tear meniscus and tear film rupture time estimation, we have refined scientific data on indicators that characterize dry eye disease. Interferometric studies using the SBM ICP Tearscope (Italy) and iPad Pro (USA) showed a decrease in the thickness of the tear film lipid layer below 80 nm in 64% of the surveyed. The interferometry data well associated with known eye surface methods, demonstrating the highest level of sensitivity. The thinning of the lipid layer below 30 nm, detected in 33% of the subjects, was characteristic for the eyes with dry eye disease.
Keywords: dry eye disease, thickness of the tear flm lipid layer, interferometry.
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Received: 2020 March 10
Published: October 2020