- Written by Super User
- Category: #2 (07) 2017
- Published: 18 April 2018
- Hits: 2270
Hovhannesyan A. H., Minasyan A. H., Seiranyan V. M., Hakobyan V. Ye.
Department of Ophthalmology, National Institute Health of MH RA Ophthalmology service of Erebouni Medical Center; Diagnostic center “Optomedˮ Canada − Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
Summary. The eye drops containing 1 % N-acetylcarnosine (Clarastill™, Bruschettini, Genoa, Italy) have been tested in patients with diabetic retinopathy in randomized blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.
The results of the trial have shown that N-acetylcarnosine in the content of the eye drops during 6 months of using statistically significantly (versus placebo) decreases the severity of diabetic retinopathy on ETDRS scale and prevents the further development of the disease (p < 0.001).
The early prescription of long term application of Clarastill™ eye drops is recommended for prevention of diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Taking into account the antioxidant, cytoprotective, eutrophic, moisturizing, lubricating properties of N-acetylcarnosine, the use of Clarastill™ eye drops is justified before and after laser coagulation of the retina; the use of the drops is also indispensable in advanced diabetic retinopathy for prevention of total blindness.
Keywords: diabetes, retinopathy, treatment, N-acetylcarozine, Clarastill.
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Received: 21 Sep. 2017
Published: December 2017