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- Category: #3 (05) 2016
- Published: 23 April 2018
- Hits: 1919
Veselovska Z. F.1, 2, Veselovska N. M.1, 2, Zherebko I. B.1, 2
1Kyiv Medical University of UAFM, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Kyiv City Ophthalmologic Center, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital no. 1, Kyiv, Ukraine
Summary. The combination of such diseases as glaucoma and cataract are widely discussed in ophthalmology. Today there is no clear guidance of medical care.
Purpose. To analyze the data of literature on the tactics of care the glaucoma patients with cataract.
Material and methods. The data of modern literature on clinical management of patients with glaucoma and cataract were learned.
Results and discussion. The paper presents an analysis of current data on the clinical aspects of the management of patients with glaucoma and cataract. Separate questions of cataract in patients with glaucoma, the relationship and the role of the interplay of this pathology in the progressive deterioration of visual function, as well as modern approaches to the tactics of care and surgery of glaucoma in patients with cataract are discussed. It was emphasized on the one and two-step approach in the rehabilitation of the patients with such combined pathology, particularly in patients with anophthalmos. It was presented the list of possible and well known postoperative complications.
Keywords: cataract, glaucoma, treatment and rehabilitation.
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Received: 15 May 2016
Published: December 2016