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- Category: #3 (05) 2016
- Published: 23 April 2018
- Hits: 1802
Pavlyuk S. V., Budzinska I. V., Nazarchuk G. G.
Vinnytsya Regional Clinical Hospital of War Veterans, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Summary. The work analyzes the clinical efficacy of mikroshunt Ex-Press in glaucoma patients. The study covered 24 patients (27 eyes), average age 71.4 ± 17.7 years, who suffered from glaucoma II (10 eyes) and III (17 eyes) stages with preoperative level of intraocular pressure (IOP) 30.48 ± 5.56 mm Hg. All patients were performed Ex-Press implantation by the standard method recommended by the manufacturer. Three months after the operation the average IOP in patients was 15.55 ± 3.54 mm Hg, in six and twelve months IOP level was 15.86 ± 4.24 and 15.95 ± 4.24 mm Hg respectively (p < 0.05). Hypotensive effect of drainage device was maintained over the next two years. Postoperative complications were observed in four cases (14.8 %). Hyphaema, that did not require treatment, – 1 case (3.7 %). In a year after the operation ophthalmohypertension was diagnosed in 1 case (3.7 %), which was successfully eliminated conducting antiinflammatory therapy and massage of the eyeball. In 2 years one patient (3.7 %) developed cystic conjunctival cushion and limited recurrent corneal erosion. Before surgery in patient was diagnosed marginal striped keratopathy on the eye with high myopia complicated.
One patient (3.7 %) with the concomitant somatic pathology history, who systematically used antiplatelets and anticoagulants, during and after operation had rehyphaema, partial haemophthalmus. In a year the operated eye turned only seeing eye, with visual acuity 0.04, that allowed patient to serve himself.
Drainage device Ex-Press implantation has allowed all patients with glaucoma II and III stages to achieve normalization of IOP for three years, to abolish local hypotensive therapy, to avoid progression of glaucomatous process and preserve visual functions.
Keywords: glaucoma, Ex-Press glaucoma filter, intraocular pressure.
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Received: 25 May 2016
Published: December 2016