- Written by Moyseyenko N. M.
- Category: #3 (05) 2016
- Published: 23 April 2018
- Hits: 1633
Moyseyenko N. M.
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Introduction. The features functionally ophthalmoscope symptoms and their dynamics depending on the location of fracture of the orbit, and they change as a result of reconstructive operations need clarification.
Purpose. The aim is to improve the diagnosis of optic nerve compression injuries.
Materials and methods. The study involved 312 injured (624 eyes) with traumatic injuries orbit. The data from MRI and spiral CT were used. Patients were tested by ophthalmoscopy and functionally. Victims with orbital injuries were divided into three groups. The latter group III was divided into 3 subgroups. There was made a comparative analysis of parameters. The majority injured of all groups inspected before 2 weeks after trauma, with the exception of the group III (after surgical interventions), which mainly inspected in the period from 1 to 3 months after injury. The specified can be explained by the fact that most reconstructive operations were performed in the period up to 1 month after trauma, which led to an increase in the proportion of postoperative patients at a later date.
Results. The study of functional and ophthalmoscope features of compression of the optic nerve lesion forms showed their differences compared with orbital lesions with no evidence of infringement. Heavy, from the functional point of view, the events occurred at the apical orbital trapping. This marked stability indicators, which are not changed under the influence of time, indicating the irreversibility of atrophic processes. Surgical treatment thus has a positive effect, as seen improvement in function compared with patients who did not have such treatment.
Differences between the compression performance forms and postoperative patients, who were not always in favor of the last ones. Particularly unfavorable comparisons looked forward compression of traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) and postoperative patients. Further research is under such conditions requires the ability to combination of surgical and conservative treatment methods to prevent the negative effects of surgery.
Сonclusions. Compression TON has clinical features that are more dependent on the localization of damage to the optic nerve, which requires detailed modern methods of neuroimaging. Reposition of bone cells are not always the desired functional effect, and therefore needs to be improved by neuroprotective treatment tactics.
Keywords: damage to the optic nerve, around apical orbital trapping, compression traumatic optic neuropathy.
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Received: 18 May 2016
Published: December 2016