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- Category: #3 (05) 2016
- Published: 20 April 2018
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Shargorodskaya I. V.
P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine
Resume. The problem of the clinical studies of biomechanical properties and structures of the eye tissue has a long history, but still far from being solved. Measurement of corneal hysteresis (CH) using the analyzer cornea biochemical properties ocular response analyzer (ORA) became the world standard in the evaluation of the cornea biomechanical properties. Considerable achievements of last years in modern diagnostics and treatment of keratoconus have not removed an urgency of the given problem from the agenda as long as traditional notions about pathogenesis of the keratoconus not always allow to struggle effectively with this difficult and continuously progressing disease.
Purpose. To carry out a comparative analysis of the measurements of corneal biomechanical parameters at keratoconus by using different methods.
Materials and methods. The 24 patients (48 eyes) with keratoconus were included in investigation. In the control group were included 20 patients (40 eyes) with emmetropic refraction. The corneal biomechanical parameters were carried out in the same patients by the use the comparative analysis between the measurements obtained of a well-known method in the evaluation ORA, the elastotonometry, module for monitoring Belin/Ambrosio ectasia (BAD) of chamber Oculus Pentacam device Sheimpflug by a standard technique and the indicators calculated with using way offered by us and the device for estimation of cornea rigidity in vivo.
Results. It was registered the considerable advantages of using the developed new way and the device for estimation of cornea rigidity in vivo in comparison with ORA, elastotonometry, keratotopographic on Sheimpflug camera Oculus Pentacam which allowed not only to reveal presence of biomechanical infringements of cornea at keratoconus, but also to differentiate their character. The factor is developed for the description of change degree of biomechanical properties of cornea in vivo it was worked out the coefficient of cornea rigidity. Increase of coefficient of corneal rigidity (KER) above (+)6.4 % may serve as a criterion for progression of keratoconus.
Conclusions. Loading tests allow receive more exact information on biomechanical properties of cornea in comparison with standard researches on ORA, elastotonometry and Sheimpflug camera Oculus Pentacam.
Keywords: keratoconus, cornea, biomechanical properties, coefficient of cornea rigidity, elastotonometry, ORA, Oculus Pentacam.
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Received: 13 May 2016
Published: December 2016