- Written by Super User
- Category: #1 (06) 2017
- Published: 16 April 2018
- Hits: 2715
Soboleva I.A.
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Summary. The use of glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of central chorioretinal dystrophy (CCDD) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) was studied. According to the results of our study, the use of glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of these diseases proved to be more effective than the traditional one. This is confirmed by a significant increase in visual acuity by 71%, an increase in the sensitivity of the retina by almost 3-fold, an increase in the total field of vision by 4.7%, a significant decrease in the thickness of the reticular membrane in 77% of the observations compared with the control group. The Depos preparation is an effective and safe means of therapy for CCDD and exudative forms of AMD, since its use has significantly increased visual acuity, retinal photosensitivity, and reduced the thickness of the reticular membrane; Is characterized by a rapid and long-term therapeutic effect and good tolerability, which is confirmed by a positive dynamics of observation for 12 months. It is not inferior to the therapeutic efficacy and tolerance to the Diprospan comparison drug.
Keywords: glucocorticoide, macular degeneration, Depos, Diprospan.
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Received: 9 Jan. 2017
Published: April 2017