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- Category: #1 (06) 2017
- Published: 16 April 2018
- Hits: 2027
Moyseyenko N.M.
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Summary. The literature dates indicate the importance of follow according ophthalmoscopy at the traumatic optic neuropathy (TON). In addition, that it is necessary to take care of changes and contralateral fundus for prognosis of the disease and the use of treatments.
The aim: to clarify the dynamic features ophthalmoscope symptoms of TON and its prognostic significance.
Material and methods. It was examined 948 patients (1896 eyes) with head injuries of various localization. There were 366 injured with TON and 582 people made the group “Trauma”. The control group was 58 healthy people.
The study of functional manifestations according acuity and narrowing, disorders of the central area of the visual field (campimetry computer by Humphrey) and electric sensitivity (phosphine diagnosis).
Results. According ophthalmoscopy allocated four forms of traumatic optic neuropathy. There were identified about half of the injured with edematous form (153 patients (41.80 %)). In the 93 victims (25.41 %) met the combined form, 77 people (21.04 %) had ischemic form and 43 people (11.75 %) – inverse form. Patients with low vision in the affected side, <0.8, often encountered in combined form (n = 93) TON, whose share was 76 people (81.72 %). With this frequency of patients with low vision, <0.8, on the side opposite from injury observed with an inverted form (n = 73). Among patient with low vision, for all ophthalmoscope forms there were about a third injured when Vis IL was < 0.1. Were often cases of visual acuity of 0.0 (zero), which met in ischemic and combined forms.
Up to 1 month after trauma prevalence edematous forms, that have a favorable prognostic features. It was shown the possibility of transforming it into other forms (combined and ischemic), which leads to nerve atrophy and persistent visual impairment.
Conclusion. The research of the ophthalmoscope and functional symptoms confirmed their correlation and the importance of taking into account the dynamics of the diagnosis of optic nerve damage.
Keywords: traumatic optic neuropathy; ophthalmoscopy; visual impairment.
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Received: 23 Jan. 2017
Published: April 2017