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- Category: #1 (06) 2017
- Published: 05 March 2018
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Mellina V., Rykov S.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kyiv City Clinical Ophthalmologic Hospital “Center of Eye Microsurgery”, Kyiv, Ukraine
Summary. Application prisms therapy in treating disbinocular amblyopia with conjugated strabismus widely used by foreign ophthalmologists for years. In 2006, Ukraine has been created modified Fresnel microprism and later established manufacturing spheroprismatic glasses lenses for prolonged pleoptortoptical treatment of strabismus, which simultaneously eliminate squint angle and adjust of ametropia.
Objective. Compare the results of treatment of disbinocular amblyopia in children using microprism glasses with traditional hardware pleoptic treatment.
Materials and Methods. In the study involved 149 children with disbinocular amblyopia aged 4 to 18 years. Of those in the study group included 88 children who were treated microprism glasses and 61 children in the control group who underwent pleoptortoptical treatment in view-protection cabinet. Each group of children is divided on the degree of amblyopia in 3 subgroups (weak, medium and high), an average of 30 children in the study and 20 people in the control group. The treatment was 6 months.
Results. The results showed significantly better performance visus amblyopic eye main group opposed to the control. Visual acuity of children increased on average by 38 % and in control of only 12 %. Among them visus in the group with mild degree increased by 28 %, with an average level – 48 %, and high – 43 % as opposed to the control group where the weak - 8.5 %, on average - by 13 % in high - only 6 %.
Conclusions. Thus, treatment of disbinocular amblyopia using microprism glasses much more effectively from traditional pleoptic treatment. Glasses are light and easy to use, have the effect of prolonged ortoptodiploptic due to constant wear and do not require additional hardware techniques.
Keywords: set KK-42, microprism glasses, amblyopia, visual acuity.
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Received: 16 Jan. 2017
Published: April 2017