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- Category: #2 (07) 2017
- Published: 17 April 2018
- Hits: 2218
Varyvonchyk D. V.1, Blahun I. V.2, Mishenin A. B.1
1P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Summary. Coal mining is one of the priority industries of Ukraine. This industry belongs to industries with dangerous working conditions. A large number of workers observed eye disease. The most frequent pathology is dry eye syndrome (DES).
Purpose – determine the frequency, risk factors, and peculiarities of the clinical course of DES among underground workers in coal mines.
Materials and methods. An in-depth clinical (ophthalmological) study conducted 250 workers of coal mine, which were divided into two groups: "control" – ground workers (68 people); "research" – underground workers (182 persons). Working conditions were studied in a survey of all workers.
Results. It is determined that the risk factors of DES for the emergence in underground coal mine workers are: work in the harmful underground conditions for more than 10 years; exposure coal dust containing crystalline silicon dioxide (SiO2); reusable, not penetrating microtrauma of the cornea and conjunctiva.
Conclusions. During the examination of the visual system is to study the binding miners’ complaints anterior segment of the eye biomicroscopy to determine the clinical signs of DES, the study of the functional parameters of products tears, tear film stability. The only effective measure of primary prevention of DES is the use of personal eye protection and their dusting.
Keywords: dry eye syndrome, coal dust, workers, diagnosis, prevention.
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Received: 30 June 2017
Published: December 2017