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- Category: #1 (08) 2018
- Published: 28 August 2018
- Hits: 2576
Bigun N.1, Maletskyy A.2
1The Lviv District Hospital, Lviv, Ukraine
2The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy, Odesa, Ukraine
Summary. The work represents the eviscerating enucleation results of 34 patients with injuries and vasoconstrictive uveitis, which was performed for the musculoskeletal stump (MS) formation for the polytetrafluoroethylene implant. During the observations from 1 to 8 years, all patients achieved a stable effect in the MS formation and there was no noticed tendency to implant resorption.
There was no case of implant denudation after the evisceration due to the chronic inflammatory process. This fact allows concluding that the scleral membrane prevents the regenerative processes violation in the subconjunctival space and conjunctiva.
The positive side of the polytetrafluoroethylene implant includes its suitability for simulation, which allows further corrections during surgery.
The advantage of the method is nasal membranes usage for the prosthesis, which prevents the implant from infections. The developed technology of the eye prosthesis rigid fixation with the MS allowed improving its total mobility in four meridians from 115º to 135º (median 130º).
Keywords: implant, polytetrafluoroethylene, eye injuries, uveitis, musculoskeletal stump.
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Received: 25 May 2018
Published: September 2018