- Written by Super User
- Category: #1 (01) 2015
- Published: 04 August 2015
- Hits: 1785
Veselovska N. M. 1, 2 , Veselovska Z. F. 2
1 Kyiv Municipal Ophthalmic Center, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 1, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Kyiv Medical University UANM, Kyiv, Ukraine
Summary. This paper is presenting the literary materials about the necessity and importance of basic research in the field of medicine, particularly ophthalmology. These data revealed the analysis of well-known studies conducted by our famous scientists from different branches of medicine to explore different aspects of the functioning of the retina, to investigate the mechanisms of formation of the visual image, to define the role of individual cells in the function of color vision with different methods, to reveal the effects of ionizing radiation on the lens after Chernobyl disaster. This article contains the information about the results of learning the peculiarities of physiological and pathological processes in retina cells on the intracellular and membrane levels using the unique experimental techniques. The history aspects of some basic research in medicine and ophthalmology are revealed too. On these data the authors demonstrate the evidence of high information content and the importance of interdisciplinary research in the resolving of complex medical problems for the future of ophthalmology with involving the more informative methods of different subjects of medicine.
Keywords: basic science, ophthalmology, retinal cells, experiment.