- Written by Super User
- Category: #1 (01) 2015
- Published: 04 August 2015
- Hits: 2083
Maletskyi O.P.
PI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine», Odesa, Ukraine
Summary. Plastic reconstruction of facial abnormalities caused by congenital or acquired defects are not always possible by moving the local soft tissue or the use of autografts in the vascular pedicle. In our opinion in such cases the treatment of choice can be used walking round stem proposed by Filatov in 1914. Purpose is to explore the possibility of Filatov stem in ophfthalmooncosurgery.
Two patients had applied Filatov stem. In the first case (23-years female) eyelids were almost absent after enucleation and deep X-ray therapy in 1.5 years of age due to retinoblastoma. The second patient (64 years male) had a cancer of eyelids, orbit, nose and frontal area. Previously been done radiotherapy (110 Gy), cryodestruction of tumor and exenteration of the orbit. In the first case the Filatov stem made possible to form eyelids and conjunctival cavity and perform prosthetics. In the second defects of nose and brow ramp area were successfully closed.
The Filatov stem may be the method of choice for the closing large tissue defects with trophic disorders. Thus, the original method of plastic tissue defects proposed by Filatov 100 years ago, has not lost its relevance today.
Keywords: reconstructive surgery, walking round stem (Filatov stem), oncology.