- Written by Super User
- Category: #1 (01) 2015
- Published: 10 December 2015
- Hits: 2000
Havryliuk T.I.1, Danovska V.M.2, Yanenko V.O.3
1Cherkasy Regional Hospital, Cherkasy, Ukraine
2Second Cherkasy Clinic, Cherkasy, Ukraine
3Rigional Territorial Medical Association, Gorodishche, Ukraine
Summary. This article provides information about the efficacy, tolerability and safety of eye drops 0.0015 % tafluprost (Taflotan®, Santen, Finland) for the treatment of patients with glaucoma. Control of intraocular pressure (IOP) during the study was carried out at baseline and at 4–6 and 12 weeks after the start of application of eye drops Taflotan®. Also was еvаluаted the tolerability and safety of the drug. In primary open angle glaucoma after 12 weeks of monotherapy with tafluprost or combined treatment with tafluprost and beta-blockers showed a significant decrease in IOP. When pseudoexfoliative and pigmentary glaucoma, a significant reduction in IOP was recorded as in tafluprost monotherapy and combined treatment. In objective assessment of the impact of the drug on the surface of the eye Taflotan® shown that the prescription of tafluprost preservative-free not registered conjunctival hyperemia and the lack of negative influence in any of the surveyed patients.
It was found that the application of eye drops without preservative products Taflotan® tears and tear film stability remained normal throughout the period of treatment and observation. In the group of patients treated with Taflotan® preservative in the vial with a slight decrease tear secretion, tear film stability which were compensated with the additional purpose lubricants. Most patients rated tolerance of eye drops Taflotan® as «excellent» and «good».
Keywords: glaucoma, intraocular pressure, tafluprost, portability, security applications.