- Written by Super User
- Category: #1 (01) 2015
- Published: 10 December 2015
- Hits: 1915
Serdiuk V. N.1, Klopotska N. H.2, Tarnopolska I. N.1, Petrenko Ye. A.1, Tykhomyrova V. V.1
1Dnipropetrovsk Regional Clinical Eye Hospital of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Summary. Plication is a way to strengthen the muscle in strabismus by creating muscular folds of the middle third of the muscle. Aim is to investigate the plication effectiveness in different types of strabismus in children. Plication was performed in 19 children with concomitant strabismus, 3 with traumatic and 1 with paralytic strabismus due to n. abducens lesion. Plication was performed as a separate operation (in case of second surgical treatment) or in combination with the recession of antagonist muscle. In 3–4 days after surgery complete elimination of the angle of strabismus was observed in 19 children (82.6 %). A year later recurrence of strabismus was observed in 3 patients. Binocular vision was recovered in 13 patients (59.1 %). The worst results were observed in cases of paralytic strabismus and concomitant strabismus with large angles of deviation and low visual functions. Plication is easily doable effective operation for treatment of strabismus in children.
Keywords: children, strabismus, surgery, plication.