- Written by Super User
- Category: #1 (01) 2015
- Published: 11 December 2015
- Hits: 1883
Nedzvetska O.V.1, Yavtushenko L.A.2, Budreiko Ye.A.3, Chumak S.A.3
1Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Municipal L. L. Hirshman hospital № 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3SI «Institute of Children and Adolescents Health Care of NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv, Ukraine
Summary. The aim of the work was to study the dependence of the dynamics of juvenile diabetic retinopathy (JDR) progression in patients with juvenile diabetes mellitus (JDM) type 1 flowing against various distireozis. The paper presents the results of elevenyear JDR monitoring study in patients with JDM type 1 flowing against various distireozis. There were 3 groups: the group 1 – patients with JDM without thyroid dysfunction, the group 2 – JDM with the increased level of TTG, the group 3 – JDM with autoimmune thyriditis (AIT). The examination included the visual acuity testing, biomicroophthalmoscopy, the photoregistration by means of the fundus camera TRC-NW7SF «Topcon» (Japan). The optic coherent tomography was used in the regimen of «Macula thickness» (OptoVue-100). Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level was determined by radioimmunological method.
It was found that during the first five years of follow-number of eyes with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) in patients with JDM type 1 and with thyropathy (TP) with elevated TSH level increased by 17.6 %, in groups without TP and with autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) – 9.7 and 9.4 %; after eleven years of observation the number of eyes with NPDR in patients with JDM type 1 and with TP with elevated TSH level increased by 36.0 %, while in groups without TP and with AIT – 21.6 and 22.2 %. Start of proliferative changes in the eye fundus in patients with JDM type 1 and with TP with elevated TSH level occurs at an earlier stage (9,27 ± 2,16 years) from the onset of the disease compared with the group without TP (14,28 ± 2,13 years) and with AIT (13,67 ± 1,52 years).
Concomitant diabetes TP with elevated TTH level contributes to an earlier and more pronounced JDR progression, compared with JDM without thyroid pathology or with autoimmune thyroiditis, which is manifested by almost 2 times higher incidence of NPDR and PDR.
Keywords: juvenile diabetic retinopathy, juvenile diabetes melitus, thyropathy.