- Written by Super User
- Category: #2 (02) 2015
- Published: 28 January 2016
- Hits: 2524
Problem. According to current observations, the increase in free cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and triglyceride levels associated with the risk of diabetic macular edema (DME).
Purpose. To study the effectiveness of pharmacological micronized fenofibrate, 145 mg in the complex treatment of patients with type II diabetes with diabetic macular edema.
Material and methods. Two groups of patients with diabetes type II and DME were investigated. In first group patients received the fenofibrate, 145 mg during 8 months and onetime intraocular injection of aflіbersept; in the second one – only intraocular injection of aflіbersept. Assessment of the retina produced in all terms by visual acuity and retinal thickness of macular area with optical coherence tomography Stratus-3000 with control of the lipid parameters in blood serum.
Results. In 8 months in group I, who obtained the drug fenofibrate, 145 mg, marked and more positive trend in ophthalmic and biochemical parameters and improve lipid profile were revealed.
Conclusion. The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis to determine the effectiveness of micronized fenofibrate (Traykor®145 mg) in complex microsurgical treatment of DME with the control of the dynamics of changes in lipid parameters of blood serum was done.
Keywords: diabetes, macular edema, blood lipid fractions.
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