- Written by Super User
- Category: #2 (02) 2015
- Published: 04 April 2016
- Hits: 2253
Introduction. Relevant is the search of drugs aimed at the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye in diabetes and hypertension.
Purpose. Examine the condition of the thiol in the retina and optic nerve for modeling open-angle glaucoma (hypertension) in animals with streptozotocin diabetes.
Methods. Studies were conducted on 34 rabbits. Experimental animals were divided into four groups: the first – the control group (10 rabbits), the second – experimental group, animals with diabetes in conditions of hypertension (8 rabbits), the third – the experimental group, animals with diabetes (8 rabbits), the fourth – the experimental group animals with hypertension (8 rabbits). In isolated tissues of the retina and the optic nerve was performed determination of the oxidized, reduced glutathione, as well as the level of thiol and disulfide groups of proteins.
Results. These disorders thiol status of neural tissue in the simulation open angle glaucoma diabetic animals reflect a high degree of oxidative stress and the reduction potential of the reducing and detoxification system of glutathione in the tissue of the optic nerve and retina.
Conclusion. In terms of modeling the experimental glaucoma (hypertension) in animals with streptozotocin diabetes showed a sharp drop in glutathione redox potential of the system in the neural cells of the body. The development of experimental hypertension in diabetic animals accompanied by a reduction of the thiol groups of 34.5 %, and increasing disulfide bond content of 29.7 %. These disorders thiol status of neural tissue in the simulation open angle glaucoma diabetic animals reflect a high degree of oxidative stress and the reduction potential of the reducing and detoxification system of glutathione in the tissue of the optic nerve and retina.
Keywords: hypertension, diabetes, glutathione, thiol, disulfide groups, proteins.
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