- Written by Super User
- Category: #2 (02) 2015
- Published: 04 April 2016
- Hits: 2596
Summary. The article focuses on modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of adenovirus eye injuries; the analysis of the main methods of diagnosis of adenoviral lesions of the vision and the therapeutic efficacy of the main groups of drugs used in the treatment of such patients. Ineffective treatment of acute adenoviral eye lesion leads to a transition of the process into the chronic form. The disease takes a long lax period, with short periods of remission and frequent relapses, which significantly reduces the quality of the patient’s life and delivers long-term. The ubiquity of adenovirus infection, its highly contagious character, loss of able to work population, the development of corneal complications with decreased visual acuity; all of this forced us to look for new approaches to the treatment of this disease. The results presented in the literature works showed that probiotics are more promises and effective method of treatment of adenoviral infections of the eye, as well as the need to find new ways and effective methods and means of treatment of adenoviral eye infections with the deeper research in this area.
Keywords: adenovirus eye diseases, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
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