- Written by Super User
- Category: #2 (02) 2015
- Published: 14 April 2016
- Hits: 2797
Introduction. Modern scientific and technical progress, which led to the appearance of aspiration-irrigation-cutting equipment, microscopes with coaxial lighting, foldable intraocular lens (IOL), viscoelastics, cartridge-injection devices, etc., causes the high efficiency of cataract surgery. Small incision phacoemulsification with endocapsular foldable IOL implantation has become the «Gold standard» of senile cataract surgery in adults.
Standardization of congenital cataracts surgical techniques in pediatric practice is still in its formative stages. Discrepancies determine by age peculiarities of eye in general and lens in particular, and considerable congenital cataracts polymorphism, which are often combined with associated anomalies of the neighbouring structures.
The purpose. To analyse of contemporary literature data and own surgical experience for basic principles of congenital cataracts surgery in children determination.
Results. On the grounds of the current literature data, analysis of Filatov’s pediatric ophthalmology school and own 30-year experience, the basic principles of pediatric congenital cataracts surgery were formulated: unilateral surgery, anterior, basicly limbal approach, small tunnel incision (2.2–2.75 mm), viscoelastic usage, anterior manual capsulorhexis, lens content phacoaspiration-irrigation, endocapsular hydrophobic foldable IOL implantation, suture incisions fixation.
Conclusion. The article presents compelling evidence of the international community of effectivity improvement of congenital cataracts surgery, which may be the rationale for the creation of unified Ukrainian treatment protocol of children with this disorder.
Keywords: congenital cataracts, children, surgery, small tunnel incisions, phacoaspirationirrigation, endocapsular implantation, the foldable hydrophobic IOL.
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