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- Published: 25 August 2019
- Hits: 1765
Malachkova N.V.1, Kryvetska N.V.1, Bersanukaieva Y.V.2
1National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
2Ophthalmology Clinic “Optimalˮ, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Introduction. The article shows the results of the study of early diagnosis and treatment of acute conjunctivitis in children.
Aim. To determine the parents’ attitude to the problem of conjunctivitis in children, their awareness about the disease as well as possible consequences and complications of the inflammatory process, to identify the most “popularˮ antibacterial eye drops among the parents whose children have had conjunctivitis within the last year.
Materials and methods. Questionnaire of 150 parents of children aged from 2 months to 13 years and have had acute bacterial conjunctivitis within the last year was used. Bacteriological assessment of 38 conjunctival samples was carried out.
Results. The purulent discharge but not conjunctival hyperemia makes the parents pay their attention to the child’s ocular problem in 92.85 % cases. Only 70 % of the parents sought medical attention. In order to choose a medication for the treatment of their child, 62 % of parents consulted a pharmacist in a pharmacy, 7 % considered advertising, 17.3 % were guided by their own experience and 13.8 % used experience and advice of relatives. Self-treatment with antibacterial eye drops lasted about 10 days. The conjunctival bacteriological pre-treatment assessment was not conducted in 72 % cases.
Conclusions. Awareness of the population about inflammatory conditions of conjunctiva, their consequences and possible complications remains low, as treatment was often carried out as a self-treatment. All of the above leads to the complications of the disease and increases duration and cost of the treatment.
Keywords: bacterial conjunctivitis, children, treatment efficacy.
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Received: 13 Aug. 2018
Published: April 2019