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Riboflavin-UVA corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) and flat fitting RGP lens in progressive keratoconus


Mokbel T., Samra W.A.

Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


Aim. To еvаluаtе the safety, efficacy and possible additive role of flat fitting RGP lens following riboflavin-UVA corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) in management of progressive keratoconus.

Subject and Method. Prospective comparative study of 30 eyes without RGP lens and 34 eyes fitted with RGP lens with apical bearing (flat fitting) from 2 to 10 weeks postCXL. None of the patients had been wearing contact lens (CL) before CXL. The effect of the CXL without and with RGP lens was measured by the change from the baseline of best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), refractive sphere and cylinder, maximal keratometry value (Kmax), simulated keratometry, astigmatism and I-S value. The results of these measurements are reported pre-CXL and at 6-month intervals up to 24 months post-CXL.

Result. In the eyes without CL, none of the study parameters showed a significant change from baseline. Only in the group of eyes fitted with CL post-CXL, several parameters showed a significant improvement: refractive cylinder, I-S value, Kmax, simulated keratometry and astigmatism.

Conclusion. RGP lens with flat fitting can be a safe additive factor in improvement of topographical parameters following CXL.

Keywords: cornea, keratoconus, keratometry, contact lens, collagen cross-linking, dinamic.


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New approaches to pharmacotherapy of allergic eye diseases


Veselovska Z. F.1, Veselovska N. M.1, 2

1Kyiv Medical University of UANM, Kyiv, Ukraine

2Kyiv City Ophthalmologic Center, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 1, Kyiv, Ukraine


Summary.The problem of studying the prеvalencе of allergic diseases of the eye and the search for new approaches and effective means to correct this condition does not lose its relevance.

The presented data on the state of profound biochemical studies of the tear film in allergic conditions justify the expediency of the use of eye drops of a new generation. As a result of experimental studies on the effect on the lipid layer ectoine was discovered the mechanism of its therapeutic action. This paper presents compelling evidence that new eye drops based on natural molecules ectoine which are able to restore and maintain the functional state of the lipid layer of the tear film in the pharmacotherapy of аllergic diseases of anterior surface of the eye. The analyzes of multiple experimental data revealed the clear evidence of mechanisms of action on the eye and the first clinical experience with a new pharmacological agent testifies to its strong anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect due to the stabilization of the lipid layer of the tear film and the protection of the front surface of the eye tissue from the hyperosmolarity. It was confirmed by the subjective and objective reducing eye irritation and dryness in reducing itching and burning from the conjunctiva, to improve the moisture level of the surface of the eye, to reduce discomfort of the eyes. The drug can be used in children older than 2 years and adults, when wearing contact lenses, ophthalmic surgery and after an eye injury.

Based on this, it can be conclude that the appearance in the arsenal of new-generation antiallergic eye drops (EYE-t) with sufficient efficacy and safety profile can be regarded as a promising alternative approach to the treatment of allergic and inflammatory eye diseases.

Кеуwords: allergy, eye, tear film, the natural molecule, ectoine, lipids.


The actuality of walking round (Filatov) stem at reconstructive operations in ophthalmooncology


Maletskyi O.P.

PI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine», Odesa, Ukraine

Summary. Plastic reconstruction of facial abnormalities caused by congenital or acquired defects are not always possible by moving the local soft tissue or the use of autografts in the vascular pedicle. In our opinion in such cases the treatment of choice can be used walking round stem proposed by Filatov in 1914. Purpose is to explore the possibility of Filatov stem in ophfthalmooncosurgery.

Two patients had applied Filatov stem. In the first case (23-years female) eyelids were almost absent after enucleation and deep X-ray therapy in 1.5 years of age due to retinoblastoma. The second patient (64 years male) had a cancer of eyelids, orbit, nose and frontal area. Previously been done radiotherapy (110 Gy), cryodestruction of tumor and exenteration of the orbit. In the first case the Filatov stem made possible to form eyelids and conjunctival cavity and perform prosthetics. In the second defects of nose and brow ramp area were successfully closed.

The Filatov stem may be the method of choice for the closing large tissue defects with trophic disorders. Thus, the original method of plastic tissue defects proposed by Filatov 100 years ago, has not lost its relevance today.

 Keywords: reconstructive surgery, walking round stem (Filatov stem), oncology.

Вasic research in ophthalmology – the modern perspective of new approaches to primary and secondary prevention of vascular diseases of the eye


Veselovska N. M. 1, 2 , Veselovska Z. F. 2

1 Kyiv Municipal Ophthalmic Center, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 1, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 Kyiv Medical University UANM, Kyiv, Ukraine

Summary. This paper is presenting the literary materials about the necessity and importance of basic research in the field of medicine, particularly ophthalmology. These data revealed the analysis of well-known studies conducted by our famous scientists from different branches of medicine to explore different aspects of the functioning of the retina, to investigate the mechanisms of formation of the visual image, to define the role of individual cells in the function of color vision with different methods, to reveal the effects of ionizing radiation on the lens after Chernobyl disaster. This article contains the information about the results of learning the peculiarities of physiological and pathological processes in retina cells on the intracellular and membrane levels using the unique experimental techniques. The history aspects of some basic research in medicine and ophthalmology are revealed too. On these data the authors demonstrate the evidence of high information content and the importance of interdisciplinary research in the resolving of complex medical problems for the future of ophthalmology with involving the more informative methods of different subjects of medicine.

Keywords: basic science, ophthalmology, retinal cells, experiment.

Interview with the Minister of healthcare of Ukraine Kvitashvili O. M.


Проф. Веселовская З. Ф.: Господин министр! В контексте cовременной стратегии реформирования общества на пути европейского развития Украины возникает насущная потребность в реальных изменениях во всех сферах нашей жизни. Безусловно, это касается и медицины, и информационного поля, и образования. На мой взгляд, выход в свет нового специализированного журнала «Офтальмология» отвечает настроениям времени. Уверена, что Ваше мнение по ряду вопросов, как человека, взявшего на себя ответственность за реформы в здравоохранении Украины, представляет большой интерес не только для офтальмологов.

В связи с этим первый вопрос. Сегодня мы слышим очень разные мнения о том, что и как было сделано в здравоохранении Грузии. Об этом говорят наши грузинские друзья и пациенты из Грузии. Что, на Ваш взгляд, действительно удалось, а что Вы считаете менее удачным или, может быть, даже ошибочным? Ведь анализ произошедших событий, если он честный, чрезвычайно важен для настоящего и будущего Украины.

Квиташвили А. М.: Очень сложно сравнивать Грузию и Украину. Это два абсолютно разных государства. Во-первых, Украина намного больше. Во-вторых, в Украине, в отличие от Грузии, сохранена больничная инфраструктура с советских времен. В Грузии ничего не сохранилось, и нам пришлось отстраивать все заново. В чем-то это проще. Еще одна существенная разница – скорость принятия решения и время, в течение которого уже принятое решение вступает в силу. В Украине все происходит очень медленно, законы связаны друг с другом, одно изменение в законе влечет за собой множество изменений в других законах и подзаконных актах, поэтому все процессы затянуты. Очень большая зарегулированность и очень много власти у «человека с печатью». Мы постепенно это меняем – делаем систему более открытой, понятной и справедливой. 

Read more: Interview with the Minister of healthcare of Ukraine Kvitashvili O. M.

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