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- Category: #1 (03) 2016
- Published: 28 August 2016
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Maletskyi A. Р.
GI “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Odesa, Ukraine
Background. Uveal melanoma takes place in 80–88.7 % of cases with all intraocular tumors. According to high malignancy 5-year mortality reach 16.5 %, 10-year – 58 % and in cases with the extrascleral growth it can reach 73 %.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the clinical and instrumental possibility for early revealing and treatment of uveal melanomas in different stages and localization.
Material and methods. The article presents the different cases of uveal melanomas and methods of therapy.
Results. There were demonstrated different cases of malignant process in uveal tissue of the eye and the results of treatment with different well-known and new original methods in different stages of disease. It was described the modern conventional techniques of ablative surgery and methods of treatment of intraocular melanoma (adjuvant interferonotherapy, selective intra-arterial chemotherapy, resection of melanoma with the use of radiofrequency knife, intraocular tumors endoresection using the high-frequency electric welding).
Conclusions. The efficiency of uveal melanoma diagnostic depends on the possibility of use of the most informative and modern clinical and instrumental methods of diagnostic and treatment. There are the encouraging results of the application of high-electric-sparing surgery of uveal melanomas. The vital prognosis and choice of one of the modern methods of treatment determined by the stage of the disease and require the earliest revealing of the tumor with subsequent regular control by ophthalmologist and oncologist.
Keywords: intraocular melanoma, diagnosis, treatment, photocoagulation, transpupillary thermotherapy, brachytherapy, transscleral and endoresection of tumor, adjuvant interferonothyerapy and selective intra-arterial chemotherapy.
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Received: 12 Apr. 2015
Published: April 2016