- Written by Oleksandra V. Zborovska, Ilijna S. Horyanova, Victoria V. Kolesnichenk
- Category: September 2021: Issue 3(14)
- Published: 30 September 2021
- Hits: 1317
UDC 617.713-002+617.711-002.1-022-085
Oleksandra V. Zborovska, Ilijna S. Horyanova, Victoria V. Kolesnichenko
The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of The National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa, Ukraine
The aim. To increase the effectiveness of treatment of dry eye syndrome in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome with preservative-free drops which contain 0.4 % sodium hyaluronate and nutraceutical complexes nutraceuticals.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. The study included 64 patients aged 34 to 58 years (128 eyes) with dry eye syndrome accompanied by Sjogren’s syndrome. Examination of patients included: assessment of complaints, visometry, refractometry, bacterial culture of the conjunctiva and nasopharynx, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, Schirmer and Norn tests, assessment of "comfort of application of drops" on the questionnaire. This study is an extension of the study previously conducted at the premises of the Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of The National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine on the effectiveness of preservative-free eye drops containing 0.4 % hyaluronic acid in the treatment of Sjogren’s syndrome.
Results. Prior to the appointment of comprehensive treatment with instillations, the Norn test showed 6.55 s (SD 1.57) with a minimum of 3 s, a maximum of 9 s, and a median of 6.5 s. After 3 months of treatment the Norn test score in the 1st group averaged 14.66 (SD 1.07) vs. 13.86 (SD 1.07) in the 2nd group, but the difference was not statistically significant (p=1.0). The mean number of required instillations per day was 4.1 (SD 1.04) in the 1st group and 5.27 (SD 1.11) in the 2nd group.
Conclusion. Instillations of preservative-free drops containing sodium hyaluronate 0.4 % (in a bottle with an innovative ophthalmic squeeze dispenser (OSD)) in combination with a nutraceutical complex in the treatment of dry eye syndrome in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome is effective and allows achieving a stable and long-term effect.
Keywords: Sjogren’s syndrome, hyaluronic acid, nutraceuticals, artificial tear, Schirmer test, Norn test, dry eye syndrome, tear film.
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