- Written by Valerii N. Serdiuk, Oleksii A. Isaiev, Svitlana B. Ustymenko, Anton V. Serdiuk
- Category: September 2021: Issue 3(14)
- Published: 30 September 2021
- Hits: 1170
UDC 617.7-007.681-021.3-06-07-084
Valerii N. Serdiuk1, 2, Oleksii A. Isaiev1, 2, Svitlana B. Ustymenko1, 2, Anton V. Serdiuk3
1Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Dnepropetrovsk Regional Ophthalmological Hospital, Dnipro, Ukraine
3Kryvyi Rih Filial branch "Dnepropetrovsk Regional Ophthalmological Hospital", Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Glaucoma is regarded as a heterogeneous group of diseases with a specific change in biomechanics of the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, resulting in the increased production and decreased outflow of the aqueous humor. Progressive degeneration of retinal ganglion cells, microglia, astrocytes, Mueller cells leads to chronic damage, thinning of the neuroretinal layer and narrowing of visual field. In this study we investigated primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). According to many American Optometric Association studies, POAG is the most common type of glaucoma (accounting for up to 72–96 % of cases) characterized by asymptomatic course with gradual decrease in peripheral vision. The reason for this abnormal condition is the optic nerve damage, inefficiency of eye drainage system with fluid accumulation and increased intraocular pressure. Investigation of POAG occurrence and progression becomes more and more relevant each year. Epidemiological studies for the past 50 years showed progressive increase in the incidence of glaucoma. In 5 % of cases, glaucoma is a monogenic disease with Mendelian inheritance. A significant proportion of cases POAG are genetically determined and have a clear hereditary predisposition, which according to various estimates determines from 20 to 60 %. NOS3 gene polymorphism is of considerable scientific interest due to its influence on the development of endothelial dysfunction. Of great scientific interest is determination of the relationship between the rs1799983 and rs2070744 polymorphisms with the development and progression of POAG.Literature review was performed in following database of scientific literature: Web of Science, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus etc.
Keywords: prevalence of glaucoma, glaucoma epidemiology, gene polymorphism, NOS3 gene, endothelial dysfunction.
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